Monday, July 21, 2003

another quote

"there were times when a particular book, like a seed crystal, dropped into our minds when they were exactly ready for it, like a supersaturated solution, and suddenly we changed. suddenly a thousand crystals of perception of our own formed."

this was totally ayn rand for me- "fountainhead" and "atlas shrugged" changed my vision completely at that time. it was amazing, the empowerment i got from those books. i was off and running, i remember i developed my own philosophy because of those books. and began to preach it around enough to inspire people to read those books, too.

of course, i don't know what i'd think if i read them now- maybe i'd find the philosophy obvious or unoriginal. maybe not. i have no idea. but i like remembering how revolutionary i found her words at that time. she gave me experiences i never would have had otherwise, especially as an 8th or 9th grader whose main focus in life was to maneuver the high school scene...


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