Friday, July 30, 2004


this summer has been a frenzy of weddings- july especially. and now, three of my friends are buying houses/condos. i'm definitely excited at the prospect of coming back from bangkok next year and having all these settled friends, with places of their own. i'm also excited at the prospect of having a place of our own in the next couple of years, too... i'm disappointed to be leaving before i can help my friends pick out furniture and carpets and things like that for their new homes, since that would be a way of nesting vicariously through them for a while!

what fun. i know that, upon graduating from college, i was miserable at the thought of moving forward and wanted dearly to just exist a while longer in the bubble we had created for ourselves. but now that i am married, and almost everyone else who i count as a sister is getting married, and there is the prospect of settled-in-ness on the horizon, i am actually quite excited.

people better not start having babies yet, though.


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