Monday, October 02, 2006

thanks for the roses and the text message too

i want people's thoughts on this one- it's something i have been thinking about lately.

when the chips are down, who is really there for you? i consider myself pretty lucky in that i have people who truly care about me- people who will give me their time and concern if i am even a little bit upset. they are people i can expect this from. whether i thank them or not, they are there for me.

that said, i have noticed the presence in my life of fair-weather friends.

there will always be people who stand by and wait for everything to be okay- who don't really come through when things are not okay. do you, reader, have any people like this in your life? what are your thoughts?

tell me. i want to know.


Blogger md said...

you already know the context i speak from.. ultimately, it comes down to whether you want them in your life or not. if you do, then you need to accept them as they are. this is the position i'm taking right now anyways .. not sure what else to do really.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Liddlelulu said...

I had never really thought about this before, but now that I think about the "fair weather" friends, maybe they're intentionally giving you space. Rather than coming in and "butting in" at a time when you need to straighten things out and figure out personal things, maybe they think it's best to just let things settle so you don't feel uncomfortable with having to ask or having to explain or anything.

I'm sure there probably are people out there who intentionally dodge the work, or help. But, there are those who understand another's need for space. And they give it.

Personally, I'm the butting in type of person. I get up all my friend's lives, and even sometimes help them take care of it. But, I can't do this with ALL of my friends. Only the ones I feel I am super close to. The ones I know won't be offended if I tell them truth. Or if they do, they'll forgive me in due time.

But I do have friends, who I guess, I'm not so sure about. If I did "butt in" would I be stepping on their toes? Would I be pushing on their bubble of space too much that it might pop?

Sometimes, I'm glad all my friends are NOT my sibling-type friends. If I had to explain what I was going through to everyone everytime someone inquired about it WHILE I was going through the rough time, I would get pretty tired of it all.

I'm not saying I don't want/have friends who I can depend on for anything. But, sometimes, you need just a few to get yourself through the rough & tough.

7:09 AM  

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