Friday, November 07, 2008

this week

dear yusuf:

this week, your father and i made history. we didn't do it alone - far from it. we did it together - around 63 million of us. we voted for a presidential candidate who looked and acted and spoke and believed differently, and he let us know that he was the right person for the job. and so we voted for him. and our votes were counted. and when he won, we each felt that our voices were heard. it was as much a personal victory as it was a national one.

we were inspired to vote, and we are inspired to win. we celebrate.

you were right there with your father and i when we cast our votes. when we watched the results on tuesday night. and in four years when we cast our votes for him again, you'll be there as well. and maybe you will be as inspired as we are.

after all, this week taught us something perhaps some of us have forgotten. anything is possible, yusuf.



Blogger Aziz P. said...

Dear Yusuf,

2044 isn't that far away. Start prepping.

Love, Aziz mamo

10:02 AM  

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